Friday, 28 September 2012

Burqa, Bog Seat and Buckaroo

Well, week one as a dead radio star and most of my revelations have begun with the letter "b". I'm busy writing and recording my first rap and thinking about costumes for a cabaret set. Somehow my thought process led me to eBay (most things do) and a type into the search engine for "burqa fashion". What a choice, I was quite torn between the different styles of headcover - the hijab abaya or the hijab hajj for example - but went for a simple triangle shape in the end.
Then, in celebration of my redundancy, Dicko and I drove to Scunthorpe and bought a bog seat. Reader, it's blue. A radical move I think you'll agree for a bathroom that, up until now, has only experienced yellow and cerise. But, it was time for a change. Finally, I went to Hull Truck Theatre where I saw Blackout; the first full-length play of fellow Hull poet, Joe Hakim. A post-apocalyptic comedy drama, it tells the story of two men holed up in a bunker amid the ruins of the world. Buckaroo comes between them; one seeing it as a metaphor for life (pile it all on until you buckle), the other seeing it merely as a board game with lots of plastic bits. How different one's approach to life - and death - can be.

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